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Nomen Global’s Annual 2024 Career Fair!

Updated: Aug 5


Nomen Global’s Annual 2024 Career Fair! At Nomen Global, we are committed to supporting the diverse needs of the Utah ESL (English as a Second Language) community. One of our most anticipated events each year is our annual Career Fair, a free event designed to open doors and create opportunities for ESL students. This year, as we continue our tradition of excellence, we are excited to announce that the Career Fair will be held from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM at our offices located at 1815 S State St #130, Orem, UT 84097. 

Nomen Global

Career Fair Information

  • Currently, we have some students attending online as well as in person, so part of one of the rotating groups will be a Zoom meeting with online students. Your presentation will also be recorded for our night students to view.

  • Each rotation will be 20 minutes long. We ask that you plan a 10-15 minute presentation then leave 5-10 minutes for questions.

  • We'd love for you to talk about your field and/or company and describe what people generally do in that type of job.

  • Feel free to talk about your educational journey or the type of training generally expected or required for your field.

  • You can also talk about the skill sets companies in the aviation industry are looking for in applicants.

  • There will be facilities to show videos or presentations if you so wish.

  • Our curriculum is built to prepare students both academically and professionally, and we have done several studies on what skills are needed for both goal paths.

Information About Our School

  • Our school opened in July of 1997. 

  • Over the last 25+ years we've helped over 13,000 students from more than 90 countries achieve their English language goals.

  • We are an Intensive English Program where our students study English for 14-18 hours a week. 

  • We have students from all over the world come to our school to learn as well as residents from our local community.

  • Our students are learning English for both educational and career goals. In the spring and fall we hold a college fair to support those students with academic aspirations, and in the summer we hold a career fair for those with more of a focus on career goals.



These Will be speakers addressing resources and topics related to the Medical Field, Hospitality Field, Aviation Field, Mechanics Field.

  • Medical Field

  • Hospitality Field

  • Aviation Field

  • Mechanics Field


  • Dan Sutliff -- Assistant Professor at UVU School of Aviation Sciences

  • Dr. Aubrie Brooks -- Doctorate of Nursing Practice

  • Kristen Haggard -- Assistant for UVU's Wasatch Resort Management

  • Clarke Woodger -- Owner of Nomen Global

The Importance of a Career Fair for ESL Students

For many ESL students, navigating the job market can be a daunting task. Language barriers, unfamiliarity with local job search practices, and cultural differences can all pose significant challenges. Our Career Fair is designed to address these issues head-on, providing valuable resources, networking opportunities, and practical advice.

The value of a career fair to ESL students extends beyond merely finding a job. It offers a platform to connect with potential employers, gain insights into industry expectations, and receive guidance on how to present oneself professionally. By attending, ESL students can learn how to effectively communicate their skills and experiences, which is crucial in securing employment. Additionally, career fairs often include workshops or one-on-one sessions that help attendees refine their resumes, practice interview techniques, and understand the nuances of job applications in the U.S.


Notable Past Speakers

Over the years, our Career Fair has featured a range of influential speakers who have significantly impacted the lives of our attendees. Notable past speakers include: These speakers have left a lasting impact on our attendees, and we are grateful for their contributions to our event. Their expertise and personal experiences offer hope and practical advice to those embarking on their career journeys.

This Year’s Career Fair: Meet Our Speakers

We are thrilled to introduce this year’s lineup of speakers, who bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. Each of them is dedicated to helping our ESL community thrive in their professional endeavors.

Join Us and Get Involved

We invite you to join us for this year’s Career Fair and take advantage of the numerous opportunities available. Whether you are an ESL student looking for guidance or an experienced professional interested in giving back to the community, we welcome your participation.

Event Details

- Date and Time: August 9th 2024 from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM

- Location: Nomen Global, 1815 S State St #130, Orem, UT 84097

If you are interested in volunteering to speak at our next Career Fair or would like to contribute in any other way, please reach out to us. Your involvement helps us continue to provide valuable support and resources to the ESL community, making a meaningful difference in the lives of many.

At Nomen Global, we believe that everyone deserves the chance to succeed and achieve their career goals. Our annual Career Fair is just one of the many ways we work towards this mission. We look forward to seeing you there and working together to empower the Utah ESL community.


What Large Businesses Have to Gain from Participating in a Career Fair!

Career fairs offer numerous benefits to large businesses, extending well beyond the immediate goal of filling open positions. By participating in career fairs, companies can tap into a broad pool of talent, enhance their brand reputation, and strategically align their recruitment efforts with their long-term business goals. Here’s a detailed look at the key advantages large businesses gain from engaging in career fairs.

Access to a Diverse Talent Pool

Broadened Reach: Career fairs attract a diverse range of candidates, including those with varying educational backgrounds, professional experiences, and skill sets. For large businesses, this is an opportunity to connect with individuals who might not be reached through traditional recruitment channels. Whether it’s fresh graduates, seasoned professionals, or individuals from underrepresented groups, career fairs provide access to a wide array of talent.

Inclusivity: By participating in career fairs focused on specific communities, such as ESL (English as a Second Language) individuals or veterans, businesses can enhance their diversity and inclusion efforts. Engaging with diverse candidates helps companies foster a more inclusive work environment and reflects a commitment to social responsibility.


Enhanced Employer Branding

Showcase Company Culture: Career fairs offer a platform for businesses to present their company culture and values to potential candidates. Through interactive booths, presentations, and networking sessions, companies can showcase what makes them a great place to work, including their work environment, benefits, and growth opportunities.

Positive Public Relations: Active participation in career fairs can enhance a company’s reputation as an employer of choice. Companies that are seen investing in recruitment and community engagement often enjoy positive media coverage and improved public perception. This can translate to higher employee morale and increased attraction of top talent.

Streamlined Recruitment Process

Efficient Candidate Screening: Career fairs provide an opportunity for preliminary screening of candidates. Recruiters can engage in initial conversations, assess candidates’ fit with the company’s culture, and identify those who align with the company’s needs. This can help streamline the recruitment process, making it more efficient.

Reduced Recruitment Costs: By meeting multiple potential candidates in one location, businesses can reduce the time and cost associated with individual interviews and lengthy recruitment processes. Career fairs can be a cost-effective way to find qualified candidates, particularly when compared to other recruitment methods.

Networking Opportunities

Building Relationships: Career fairs facilitate networking with industry peers, educational institutions, and potential partners. This can lead to valuable connections and collaborations that benefit the company beyond recruitment. For example, companies can forge partnerships with universities for internship programs or collaborative projects.

Insights into Industry Trends: Engaging with candidates and other organizations at career fairs can provide businesses with insights into industry trends, talent availability, and emerging skills. This information can be useful for strategic planning and staying competitive in the marketplace.


Contact Us

For more information or to get involved, please contact us at [Insert Contact Information]. We are eager to hear from you and appreciate your support in making our Career Fair a success.

Conclusion Nomen Global’s Annual 2024 Career Fair!

Our annual Career Fair is a testament to Nomen Global’s dedication to fostering growth and opportunity within the ESL community. With the support of our esteemed speakers and the active participation of attendees, we continue to create a platform where dreams are realized and career paths are shaped. Join us for this inspiring event and be a part of the positive change that uplifts and empowers our community.

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