Alliance English
Non F-1 Visa Holders
What if I'm not on a Student Visa?
If you live in the USA but need help learning English we can help with that too! Green Card holders, Spouses of native citizens, Refugees, Asylum seekers and other immigration backgrounds are often in need of English training just as much as F-1 visa holders. Fortunately, your application process should be much more simple. If you need English training, but are not in need of an F-1 Visa please follow these simple steps:
Fill out Pre-Application: First you will need to fill out our Pre-application, or reach out to us with your basic contact information.
Apply: One of our employees will speak with you about how best to approach your specific situation.
Take the Placement Test: Our placement test will gauge where you fit on our Language Proficiency Scale (LPS). Knowing this will allow us to put you in a classroom with students of a similar English level so that you can best succeed.
First Day: Make sure you get to school a little early and our student services coordinator will introduce you to your teacher.