Advanced Modular ESL Curriculum™
The Value of the Nomen Method
Bi-Weekly Enrollment
Nomen Global's innovative bi-weekly enrollment helps you learn English on your own schedule. Our curriculum is divided into eight, self-contained modules (called "blocks"), each lasting two weeks. This gives you the flexibility to:
Start any time: Your student-specific semester begins whenever it is most convenient for you to start your intensive English language program. We have availability every two weeks so you’ll never have to wait long!
Learn without comparison: because our students are each at unique stages in their ESL journey they are better equipped to learn from each other as a result. All of our students have been where you are now.
Meet immigration requirements: We help you tailor your American English learning to your specific Student Visa requirements. Once you are enrolled and attending classes there is no need to worry about falling out of F-1 status—you will always get the help you need.
Language Proficiency Scale (LPS)
The LPS helps us figure out your current English skills. We used two well-known scales called the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Language (ACTFL) to create the LPS so we have an American English proficiency scale that was created with ESL students in mind. This creates:
Classrooms with similar English skills: You’ll be in a class with people who can speak and understand English at a similar level to you. This makes learning a language easier and faster as you learn from each other in a safe environment.
LPS Evaluation: When you arrive at Nomen Global, you will be evaluated with a standardized placement test that will give you an understanding of what English level you are currently at. You can always choose to start at a lower level to make sure you don’t have holes in your English knowledge, but we believe knowing your current English proficiency is important.
Learning Objectives
Every course at Nomen Global has clearly defined course objectives that can be broken into individual lesson objectives. This means:
Daily focus on achievable ESL tasks: Every class period you will know what you are expected to learn and how the related class work is building those skills.
Measurable growth: Daily self-checks allow you to evaluate your English learning and help you visualize your progress towards the overall course objectives.
Visible value: Knowing that you are learning and working towards your goals provides peace of mind as you invest in your education.
Transferable Work Skills
As you work to learn American English, we also help you build your strength in the top 10 skills that US universities and employers look for including: collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, interpersonal communication, listening, oral communication, problem solving, reading comprehension, writing and speaking English accurately, and Written communication. By building these skills you will become:
World ready: being "world-ready" goes beyond simply learning another language. It signifies a comprehensive development of knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world. Nomen Global subscribes to ACTFL’s World Readiness Standards.
USA Ready: Developing these skills prepares you for future education and career opportunities in the United States. We want to help you succeed long after you have mastered English by helping you understand what US employers and educators will expect from you.
Thematic Approach
Each student’s semester is divided into 8 unique American culture themes. The themes cover a range of topics and traditions that will contextualize the student’s English learning. This creates:
Cultural competency: You will be more effective in communicating with native English speakers when you understand their culture.
Correlated Classes: Your classes like Grammar, Integrated Skills, Practical English Workshops, and others have connecting grammar and culture principles connected throughout to give you a complete learning experience.
Increased Sense of Community: Even though everyone is learning different things (like prepositional phrases or adjectival clauses) in their different levels, the student body is still connected! Everyone learns about the same cultural themes, which helps you make friends and feel like part of a strong community.
Continuous Growth: As you move to a new level, you'll see some familiar cultural topics! We explore the same topics at each level using new vocabulary and grammar. This way, you keep growing and deepening your English skills!
Cognitive Maps
We use visual aids to explore how to approach mental concepts like cause and effect, definition, classification, sequence of events, compare and contrast, and others. This helps students from a variety of different cultures understand new thought processes and communicate more effectively and persuasively with native English speakers.